Monday, April 18, 2011

磁波保護花精(Electro Essence)─降低體內輻射量的救星

磁波保護花精(Electro Essence)─降低體內輻射量的救星






經過幾個月來的研究,我們挑選了幾種花精合併到「磁波保護花精」中,例如:「毛拉花(Mulla Mulla)」就是一個明顯的選擇,因為他是針對電磁輻射的花精。而「抓子花(Paw Paw)」、「穗邊紫羅蘭(Fringed Violet)」、「克羅威花(Crowea)」連同毛拉花被新城堡(Newcastle)地區的一位人體能量動力學者(Kinesiologist)用來治療當地大學的一位物理學者,這位物理學者經常拜訪新城堡地區的病患的居所與工作場所,因為這些病患身體不適而且對於治療沒有反應,這位物理學者正在研究是否這些病患暴露在過多的電磁輻射中,以致於身體狀況無法好轉。很不幸的,這位物理學者也同樣吸收了他正在測量的這些輻射而感覺疲倦與不適,他經常去看那位人體能量動力學者,她準備了上述四種澳洲灌木花精的混合花精讓他服用,以防止他在做偵測時吸收輻射。此種混合花精對這位物理學者的效果非常好,他說工作中不良的影響已停止。這位人體能量動力學者在一個國家人體能量動力學會議中很興奮的告訴我這個故事。

在同樣一個會議中,另一位人體能量動力學者Anna Boyce告訴我,她最近一次的出外旅遊住在她朋友家的客房,她與她的女兒在那個房間感到非常累,她發現房間的床頭正對著隔壁房間電視的後面(電視後面會產生高輻射劑量),她以肌力測試找到了「毛拉花(Mulla Mulla)」、「瓦瑞塔花(Waratah)」、「倒掛金鐘花(Bush Fuchsia)」,在她使用後她的不適獲得了改善。這促使我去測試並將「瓦瑞塔花(Waratah)」和「倒掛金鐘花(Bush Fuchsia)」與「毛拉花(Mulla Mulla)」、「抓子花(Paw Paw)」、「穗邊紫羅蘭(Fringed Violet)」、「克羅威花(Crowea)」組成了現在的「磁波保護花精」。

現在的飛機經濟艙大部分配有電視螢幕在椅背上,而我們的「旅行花精」正包含了「毛拉花(Mulla Mulla)」與其他「磁波保護花精」的單方花精(「瓦瑞塔花(Waratah)」除外),這可避免電視輻射對人體的影響。






如果您想要购买这瓶磁颇保护花精,请联络本人Victor @ 016 2680 663

Monday, April 11, 2011


本篇以阿南達瑪迦上師 - 巴巴開示為主 邱顯峯整理

西方有句諺語:真理令人得解脫(truth set you free)

(一) 1. 某宗教朝某方向朝拜
2. 七月半普渡燒冥紙、燒冥屋、冥錢、冥衣...
3. 農曆十六拜拜,不拜生意不好
4. 改運、點光明燈、風水、買蓮座,許多種風俗習慣(造成心理的恐懼與負擔)
5. 宗教間的爭戰
6. 吃藥籤,結果吃死了
7. 有些宗教人士在不知不覺中,造出社會的衝突、矛盾和傷害
8. 不同宗教之間,視彼此為異教徒或外道而受苦
9. 儀式不同造成困惑
10. 因為從事靈修而生痛苦,例如身心不調,家庭與社交關係疏離
11. 因為從事靈修而莫名恐懼

(二) 上述總總的一切,造成自己在身、心、靈的戕害,也造成社會的不安和動亂。但這些事的背後,又都是與某種信仰相關聯。所以在此我們要探討,是我們的信仰錯誤或是宗教有問題,到底靈修所依止的目標為何?

(三) 在瞭解此題之前,我們可能在無知裡,固守一些或許害人的教條而不知,這些固守的觀念,大多數來自社會及傳統的無知與教條的束縛,要破除教條,要有非常卓越的智慧與毅力。為自己也為社會打破這個深深的禁錮是真正靈修者的責任(教條並非只限於宗教內,而是泛指一切足以造成束縛的觀念)。


1. 儀式性的宗教與靈性修持間有何差別?
答: 幾乎在所有情況下,固守儀式的宗教,其最終目的均為鼓勵人們實現物質慾望,其作法不外乎追求世俗的快樂,而且各種儀式幾乎與解脫無關。

2. 是否可能將所有宗教統一起來?
答: 追求無限幸福是人類唯一的法性,人類只有一個法性。因此沒有所謂宗教統一的問題發生,各種宗教問題明顯的差異來自於不同的儀式與作法,而非靈性上的差異。 無論何時,當儀式主宰一切,而欲達到至上幸福的努力減弱時,不管它是什麼,它絕非靈性。

3. 五種良知明辨(Viveka)的第一種即是能識別永恆與非永恆。永恆是不依靠時間、空間和人、事、物 等相對因素,而非永恆則是與某種相對因素有關。


經由對永恆與非永恆的明辨,人了解變化無常的事物都是短暫的,社、經、政、生活各種層面都在不斷改變,人也必須不斷的調適,不願意隨著環境改變而調整的人是註定要滅亡的。一種宗教(並非指背後所傳的真理,而是指宗教本身) 或 『主義』是在某一時代所產生的,它本身是時間、空間和人物三項因素的產物。然而有些宗教並不認為須要隨著社會生活改變而做調整。它拒絕承認先前所訂的舊有法規,如今已變成只是歷史的記錄,它已無法適應今日的社會。



4. 當人們獲得愈多的科學知識,他們就愈試著從宗教和『主義』的束縛圈中掙脫出來。

5. 我們不能建議現代的人,回到過去用蠟燭和油燈的年代,而忽略了電燈,但有些宗教卻是如此,所以能辨識永恆與非永恆者,將會依所處的時代做調整。

6. 能辨識永恆和非永恆是法性修持不可分割的一部份,唯有至上本體是永恆的本體,以至上本體的靈修才是真正法性的鍛鍊,遵奉儀式的信仰是落在空間和時間的因素裡,它無法幫助我們達到永恆的本體,心智持續不斷的淨化是與祂合而為一的唯一方法。

7. 部分宗教人士由於沒有以永恆的本體作為他們的目標,他們受到對教派忠誠的影響大於對人類之愛,但是真正法性的教導是視全宇宙的生靈都屬於同一個家庭。(註:有些人一旦又接觸其它宗教的哲學或活動時,就會被原宗教的信仰者詛咒或嚴重的排斥)

8. 有些宗教宣稱某一特別國家、民族、山河是最偉大的,但是就法性的觀點而言,並沒有此種偏狹的看法。

9. 有時宗教間也會有某種形式的結合,但往往那只是外在的結合與表面上的示誠。法性在數目上總是單一的而不是複數的,所以無疑的宗教是在法性裡整合。宗教在數目上總是複數的,而不是單一的。宗教的整合意味著宗教的消失,當非永恆的個體,被當作目標而以不同儀式的方法來膜拜時,就沒有整合的餘地。

10. 若能藉著喚醒人們心中對永恆和非永恆分別明辨的力量, 並開啟科學知識之門, 則將不可能以宗教之名或以到別的世界享樂做引誘來欺騙人們。

11. 許多宗教比較注重神話故事和寓言,而比較不注重科學和理性的思想,人只是許多宗教的擁護者,則必須或多或少地順應那些在今日是違反科學的神話故事。

12. 不當的虔誠並非法性之路或導向人類福祉,而是違反了法性和福祉。

13. 我的上帝、你的上帝、印度教的哈利和回教的阿拉 ̶ 我們應忘記所有這些類型的區分,並接受那永不變易無所不包的本體(清淨法身佛)。祂是一切眾生永恆的居所,我們沒有必要混淆自己的腦袋,想著應該稱呼祂是神或是阿拉。

14. 並非每一個人都信仰同一種宗教,而且宗教也不是人類社會的一個共同因素。宗教反而時常分割了人類社會。宗教的阿拉伯字為Majhab, 而法性 (dharma) 在語源學上為特徵或屬性,其真正意思是祂就是唯一的,而且對整體人類種族是不可分的。法性是一種心理靈性上的能力,它慢慢地將人類內心的神性引發出來,並且幫助人類與至上本體(道)合一,它與物質上的目標無關。某些宗教為一種心理感情因素,它們是身體與儀式的結合。

15. 有些人強烈地相信只有廟宇是神聖的地方,而清真寺、教堂和猶太教堂則否。 有的宗教信徒視本身為上帝的選民,而將別人當作異教徒或無宗教信仰者。

16. 宗教以外在的儀式為基礎,所以心靈被物質的目標所佔據,隨著時間的流轉,這些物質上的目標變成理念目標。

17. 心念專注於宗教的結果,人類的心靈變得遲鈍。任何討論或知識上的說明均無法動搖此種心理的惰性。

18. 從孩提時期,人類就被教導非理性的觀念;如:在恆河去做一個聖浴。

19. 當人們觀念如此不變,以致於不考慮任何討論或辯解時,就稱為盲信。他們說宗教是信心的問題,與邏輯無關...。所以人類當遠離宗教的束縛。

20. 印度婦女如停止使用朱紅點,事實上一點關係也沒有。許多宗教都以訴諸於宗教的情感來剝削人們,有很多人崇拜某些特定的經典。有些人揮霍金錢來造偶像...,又送入河裡。

21. 當身體、物質上的考量勝過理性時,就產生宗教狂熱與盲信。當盲信集中在某一宗教時,就產生宗教狂熱。一個強有力的知識訴求,遠比施用壓力更能將此狂熱導向正途,因為壓力只會產生反作用力,反而增強了宗教的狂熱。

22. 有某些習慣並非起源於宗教儀式,而是來自傳統或風俗。

23. 與宗教狂熱搏鬥的唯一途徑為加強邏輯上的波動...,當人們的理性強化時,非理性的觀念將從社會消失。

24. 神權治國的意思是指宗教國家而非擁護正義的國家。(註:有的人是以自己的宗教觀念,來判定別人是否有罪)

25. 宗教被用來滿足世俗渴望之工具(許多神職人員、法師、道士樂此不疲)

26. 我們處在五種元素(固、液、火、氣、乙太)的世界中,遭受各種不同束縛 -- 社會束縛、經濟束縛、不公平的束縛,但在所有束縛中最壞者為宗教的某些觀念。

27. 缺乏中庸均衡(Prama’)的整體概念


1. 是心理趨向物質的疾病

2. 迷信、神話故事、不合邏輯 (又不准辯解)

3. 狹隘的地域、時間、人及社會情感

4. 心理的貪求與脆弱不安的心理

5. 剝削別人的工具,以及控制別人(例如種性制度)

6. 無知

7. 錯誤及有缺陷的哲學或經典(可補充說明有些經典的錯誤)

8. 錯誤的人生觀,錯誤的追求(如學問、名、利、權,追求來世的享福)

9. 宗教的錯誤導引

10. 傳統、風俗、文化的錯誤灌輸 (從小就受影響)

11. 有束縛性

12. 沒有彈性

13. 影響並扼殺身、心、靈各方面的成長

14. 著重儀式 (或某些超能力)

15. 分化及分割社會 (可請大家舉例),例如種性、例如上帝的子民

16. 充塞在人世上的各個層面,包括宗教、文化、社會….也包括物質、心智。在某些情況下心理導向靈性也有可能產生教條。

17. 有些教條是過去在時、空、人物下的一種風俗、文化或例,但隨著時、空、人物的改變,不知其內在涵意,最後演變成教條。

18. 有框框的思想就是教條,教條會封閉人類知性的未來
附: 1. 教條在某些方面也是方便法門,但隨著不斷的精細,一些較粗層面的教條,會逐步的放下
2. 如何達到中國禪的生活,儒家的中庸與道家的自然和自在


1. 在心智趨向物質的層面裡,許多人被教條所引導,教條已深植人心,人們無法去除。這些錯誤觀念,因為從孩童時期,教條已經灌輸到他們的心中。結果人類社會被分割成許多不同的國家、不同的宗教,宗教信仰裡又有不同的階層。我們只知分割,卻不知如何把人類團結起來。這些都是教條錯誤的引導所致。

2. 在變動的心智世界裡充斥著一些錯誤的觀念,那就是人類註定要控制這個地球, 而其他的生靈則註定要被控制,你必須以強力的武器反抗這類心理,這個武器 是什麼呢? 即是新人道主義。即一切眾生都具有相同權利才在這裡,這個宇宙 屬於所有的眾生,它不是人類的資產。

3. 當人被指引 -- 不是被指引而是被教條控制時,他們就失去了生生不息的活力,因此變得毫無生氣。
千百個教條強行加之於人: 「不能做這個,它是被禁止的,如果你做它的話, 你將會下地獄。」此種說法是將恐懼的情節注入人們的心靈...(例如:有的宗教信仰者說「每個瑜伽體位法都是一個惡靈,所以不能做體位法」),以便使這些人受統治、剝削。

4. 有人稱婦女沒有資格獲得解脫,如果想要解脫,必須再生為男人... 這是反社會的觀念。

5. 苦行非道

6. 臺灣人死後的做法會,其意為何?是文化傳統?是孝?是迷信?是框框?。應以何種態度待之?

7. 各地結婚之禮的差異

8. 後世不再為人? (參附講義)

9. 女眾出家有何好處? (參附講義)

10. 回教: 禱告,可以洗刷所有的罪,而胡作非為

11. 某些陪夫葬的文化,造成生命的不安


1. 人類法性的遵行,對於出家人與在家人而言是否都是相同的?

2. 心理的平衡就是和平。為了維持和平及靈修與迷信戰鬥是必要的。(有些人存在著天堂與地獄的迷信以及畏懼上主的觀念,以致身心受到壓抑而喪失其和平。)

3. 瑪迦反駁並打破所有社會的、心理的或靈性上的迷信,並提供有系統的科學靈修方法,以及有利於身、心、靈進步與理想社會進展的行為準則等,促使社會更鞏固。

4. 不論你所處的環境如何,靈性並非烏托邦之理想,而是可以在日常生活中付諸 實際修持和了悟的實用哲學,靈性代表了進化和提昇,而非行為上的迷信或悲觀。

5. 人的本性就是在追求永恆無限的快樂。

6. 法性的梵文是dharma,為特質天性之意。法性是覺性意識受造化勢能影響所塑造出來的特質、天性。

7. 走向完美、止於至善就是上帝,就是法性;而走向不完美就是非法性。


項次 內 容 法 性 宗 教
1. 著重點 靈性修持 以儀式性為主
2. 統一的問題 沒有統一的問題 統一代表宗教的消失
3. 目標的永恆性 不變易 依時空人而變異
4. 忠誠目標 宇宙一家 所屬宗教
5. 數目上 一 多數
6. 合理性 科學理性 神話 (迷信)
7. 祈求導向 導向全體人類身、心、
靈的提昇 滿足某些個人世俗利益
8. Prama’的建立 平衡 不足
9. 教條性 不存在 可能性高
10. 目標 至上本體、世界一家 將人類社會分割成某宗教、某國土


1. 例如只想出錢,請別人做功德來迴向給他們,並消除其業障 (而不想自己修)
2. 自己修但卻求速效
3. 贖罪券

Monday, April 4, 2011



现在吃的巴生市, 除了闻名的肉骨茶及海鲜外,我在想就定是素食餐了!

最近就在我家附近多开了2 家素食店。我还在想,为什么越来越多的呢?在早与夜市场里都多了素食摊子!然后就手指算了算有几家。。。哇噻!靠近我家的素食店竟然 有16 家!不包括小摊子哦!

然后前几天去晨跑后去一家素食店用餐。。。与那老板闲聊了起来。。。。他说,就他所知,全巴生素食店面应该有20多家, 包括小摊子的话应该会有30出头吧!

我还真得很惊讶! 巴生 几时变了那么多家素食店?有那么多人吃素哦?想当初,本少爷我吃素的时候素食店还少得满可怜。。。可我不能比我早吃素大约20年前吃素的人啦!我觉得这些前辈有够力!那时在巴生的素食店简直是不可能的事咯!

我还在想是真的意识的提升呢还是多了很多的佛教徒,一贯道, 瑜伽,静心团体, 环保?


Past Life Gifts = Dangerous or Safe?

Past Life Gifts = Dangerous or Safe?

I went for some shopping the other day and hence enter my friend shop and have a chat with them. And it somehow, our topic turns to the topic of – Past Life Gifts.

Friend of mine were particularly concern with many people as of recent came to her and share to her that – I started do healing and channeling works as my life purpose.

And so my reaction was – so what’s the problem? The problem is – these people do not have a master to follow through and these people are like jumping around learning 1 modality towards another modality. Then when friend ask them who are their primary masters/mentor, their reply was – oh I got it from my past live. And so, after that…these people started to print name card and list as CHANNELER or Past Live Reader or Karmic Clearer.

So easy wan meh? Was my friend reply….Like 1 or 2 days can turn to a chaneller and read past lives. What is their motive and intention for the first place? This kind of thing is very dangerous if no master/mentor guard their motive and progress. To me, it’s a bit irresponsible of what they doing because it may potentially do harm than good to innocence people.

As much as I don’t see this as very “SERIOUS” problem in itself as to compare that my friend does…but I do understand their conservative concern of – how CLEAR is the Consciousness of the reader and how CAPABLE they are in transcending their illusions thought patterns, and what are the underlying motives of doing such works?

As I mention many times, we cant STOP the mass awakening of bit and pieces of puzzles and opening to intuitive development are just 1 part of the evolution progress. The problem/issues doesn’t Lies in the awakening, rather… lies very much on- do the modality founder/teacher/person itself STRESSES the importance of refining ones consciousness by healing ones past trauma, aware the present issues and find ways to work this through. Otherwise, as simple as it is….everything will turn upside down and contamination is the ultimate results by it.

This friend of mine pointed out 1 factor that I came to realize is quite important and that is – What is their motives of doing so? If their motives are selfish base, then something is destined to go wrong here.

MOTIVES are very much a BIG thing here in regard tracing past life gifts or channeling. Some do it for the pure sake of personal development, some do it for sake of wanting to know their hidden POWER so that they can be praise and impress by others, worst still-some will use it to project their own Fears, traumas and issues to their clients they meet as a way of SELF EXPRESSION! (personally, I meet tons of people like this) and much more…..and WHY this is an Important factor to look into?

Because human has the potential of - Greed. Why/whats Greedy? Greed of power, greed of pride, greed of money they earn after they know their gifts etc and after ones is comfortable with their greed n power, soon the interesting part will follow that leads to the self proclaim issues will then start to surface, you’ll see people start to claim who are they from their past lives, where do they descend from the inner plane etc

When the so call DANGER are really reflecting the above mentioned. The Motives that shapes ones destiny are still holding true in this new millennia. This, no one can runaway from it but to remind ourselves to stay humble as always.

Another thing in regard about Past Life Gifts is, WHATEVER you see/perceives is REALLY PASSED! OUTDATED! So when you attend a class or session that helps you to remember your past life gifts and talents, kindly be reminded that all the skills~identidy~energetic impact/impressions~situation~gifts & talents etc are REALLY at that point of time and hence, has NOTHING to do with your present moment/life UNLESS………you able to upgrade it that match/fit into the modern application.

Sad to say that but the truth is…even you or a channeler or an entity successfully ACCESED OUT your modality/gifts/talents in the past, it doesn’t mean you able to FUNCTION them in the now and what more to say TEACH to other people.

I guess, perhaps its not very much about accessing the past life gifts is dangerous or safe. The fundamental lies in ones ability to DISCERN their motives and guard their intention on the highest good of all that is right with self and the nature of life. True gifts from the past once being accessed and upgraded into the current time will serve tremendously well for the humanity. It is potentially easy to access your past gifts/status/memories, but the difficult part is the clarification, adjustment and integration will then it able to apply into the now properly without contamination.

Do I agree with my friend? In a way YES on her initial intention but definitely NO to her fear based drama.

Do I agree on accessing past life gifts? Yes I do, but like I say…it doesn’t meant it will do well to you…it could well be just a piece of information with Nothing applies in the moment…e.g you cant take a wood cutter from your past life as a gifts n bring it into the now by using the ancient knife to cut do you? You cant find it anyway other than museum….u will however, may invent a similar but more upgraded version knife as your gift in the Now to cut the wood in the forest. But u find a problem still, now its time of saving the trees as to prevent global warming…so you have to think twice your past life gifts really this pieces! Lol

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Golden & Platinum Angels 金光 与白金光天使

As we approach in this fast peak shifting moments, many old has being broken downs...and really every breakdown is about a breaking down of the old structure. Be it personal or planetary such as disaster in japan and the coming ones.

我们正进入一个迅速的转变。不论是个人或世界性的(日本)有很多旧有模式正在蜕变着。在这一个蜕变的时刻,有很多天使得光频正在迅速的协助人们去净化及支持整个过程。去支持正在蜕变了的人事物, 协助因灾难而往生了的惊吓灵体,协助那些正在被捆绑的人们,即协助那些正在重建个人生活的人们。

There are alot of angelic energies are more and more available to support the new light vibrations. To support the transitions of the old, those who passed on, those that still hanigng in with midst of middle line and those require a rebuilding. To support those emotionally, mentally, and physically.

The Angels remind us to stay even mindedness and send our love and blessings to all over the world and of coz Japan. 天使们要求大家专注于一个同理心及爱来祝福大地及日本的朋友们。

There are specific angelic energies which are very prominent in supporting the changes and they are the Golden and PLatinum Angels overlight by Arch Metatron.

在这一个时刻,金光天使们及白金光天使们的光频是最强盛的时刻来协助整个蜕变及重建的能量与意识。它们是由大天使Metatron 给协助。

The Golden ANgels are about bringing peace and harmony and protection back to oneness in every transtion periods in ones life or planetary shift.

The PLatinum Angels are about restoring and replenishing what damage has been down and to also soothe ones trouble mind during the time of disasterious change.
白金光天使们协助修补,回归被破坏了得能量,意识及情绪给安抚, 滋养 正在蜕变的胡乱思维给平静。

Both Gold and Platinum Angels are very helpful in supporting the crisis in life and nations and the world. Call on them in your prayers for japan, elsewhere or your personal life by envisioning their rays of light coming in as a ring of GOlden and Platinum in colors to surround the situation.....

所以,不论是个人生活的蜕变又或国家的蜕变,金光及 白金光天使们在着一个时刻是非常的有帮助的。

透过观想 及有意识的邀请它们的金与白金光环来围绕整个事情或受难的地方, 然后将您的祷告与祝福给输送景区这个光环里来疗愈整个过程。

Then add your own prayers into this rings of platinum n gold rays to expand the healing consciousness to the world.

As always, the angels remind us to keep our focus clear and strong and flush it with more loving thoughts to uplift the situation around the planet. Lets focus on bringing more light and love, particularly the gold and platinum rays angels to support the entire transitioning with ease and harmony. Together as a team, i am sure we can make a different.

让我们已 心及新的能量与意识来祝福大家。。。。把我们的爱,透过天使们,特别是着一群有力量的金与白金天使们来一起把我们的疗愈祝福就像一股涟漪般给送出去。我个人相信,透过团结的力量, 我们可以改变!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Reflections of Consciousness, being in you being reveal

Recently, things in life makes me more n more realize why the reality i create for me ..;and thus, more willingness to accept that I AM the one who create the reality i experience in EACH n EVERY situation i encounter.

Its seems so simple to say - Your Thoughts Creates Your Reality or What you Think is What you Become or WHATEVER u ENCOUNTER is a perfect timing n the opposite u dont like are actually a mirror for u. And definitely it rings tremendous truth in it but then, its soooooooooo difficult for ppl to grasp even for me initially and i wonder WHY?

I then found out that it is due to the THOUGHTS we have is soooooooooo stuck up with so many various programing, belief in family n culture, traumas or shock experience we hav, ego, religious or spiritual beliefs as well as the memories of our souls tht we carries with us may well stopped us fo fully realizing this.

Perhaps that is why many PPl who follow the manifestation steps doesnt necessary puts them into the results they want. I supposes its the deep inherit motive thoughts we had are quite blocksup on various levels.

YA........i know all those theory, but whats the solution ?

Really for me, the solution is about personal development works! It takes several deep evaluation, discipline n constant awareness to make u realize this. Also its about constant growth....because challenges in life will without a doubt occur on different stages in ur life . So how n whats sorta mindset to support u in phases of change?

You may be aware something, fully understood how law of attraction works, how the angelic realms n master function, how a crystal support u etc but still u can choose not to bother/action by it! STILL then....... u may say i wan SOLUTION! I suppose this is not about solution anymore, you may want to look at, u trying to find a tools to either support you or u r trying to think that tools fix n u dont need to bother by it.

If u looking at tools to support ur growth n willing to work with, then yes u may hav the possibility to shifts case u r the second version,

Then, if this is the case, sorry no modality outthere able to support u then. They may initially, if u lucky enough to realize on the spots or else u may simply just felt bored by it n changes from one to another.

I do understand the frustration with different ppl said - i know all those, but .... . Bcoz i was one of those before, i know the theory n i fix myself variously n yes i done all that n sorry dont tell me all this rubbish coz it just doesnt work for me, i get easily blame its all karma, its all other ppl i hav to meet to hav the clash etc till the intensification work i hav with the angels as well as my recent encounter of RPT hav puts me into various clearing, understanding , deepening n on my way to strengthening my life. Then i see -

WOW! My Thoughts are sooooooooooo POWERFUL creating all this nasty experience in Life ! Till i fully accept- This is HOW i Manipulate ! This is HOW i acted out of Fear ! This is how i misintrepret the angel messages simply due to i LOVE to confuse myself !

What? ! I Love too ? Is this posisble? I say - Well u may well know its a YES ! But how is this possible ? Well, i wish u luck n acknowledge u able to reach this understanding one day :-)

Spiritual or personal growth is not about YOUR ABILITY to understand n AWARE of it or the philosophy or theory of may well worth to understand in the first place....But really....its about the Action Part, action consist of doing n being, to be discipline to choose to will urself to sustain in situation of hurricane, to BEING in order to receive the greatest gifts situation may brings you....

The Angels- MENADEL , ASALIAH as well as Arch Gabriele , Uriel and Michael are very Efficient if u call on them to support u in reflecting ur consciousness n reveal ur hidden issues.

The Crystals - Amethyst, Calcite/ any colors, Azurite, Gem SIlica as well as fluorite will support your awareness too.

In Nxt Articles, hopefully i hav time , i may speak about Relationships with people and the Supportive Angelic Energies to soothe your relationship life.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Simplified Angels Communication

So today i finished taught my latest Angel Light Therapy lvl 1 course! I was very pleased with the simplicity and ease-ness for the new format it brings to me and both the students.

So much ego revelations and damaging them (Victoriel style), and of coz, the lovely and ever inspiring healing messages from the angels as well as connecting to the angelic realms to brings divine connection, healing and evolutions!

I was pretty much suprise though, not just this class but other of my classes also that people tend to want have more BOMBASTIC and Airy Fairy styles of Angelic Connection with rituals, fansy visualizations, attunements power hunger etc.....Till they forgot the BASIC Requirement, the basic understanding on their angel guides, as well as the SImplicity in working with the angelic realms. I have worked out ALOT to make the necessary understanding and importancy of healthy connection, and luckily, i manage to share acrosss my messages to them.

People tend to expect connecting to angels will be an Extraordinary thing somewhere lingering around the air.....misunderstood the positivity and loving messages from the angels as a way of ignorance and denial of life, where ones mock it up with beauty and supressed d hidden issues.

People also tend to think that connect and work with the angelic realms are a never reached "Status" in a sense its HARD to reach to a level of connecting and communing with the angelic guides....

Still some....people/students of other modality do not know and understand, why and whats the purpose of connect to the angels and what angel therapy really IS.

I have worked with my angels and archangels for myself to clear alot of blindspots and dogmas....and i also have re-design my angel course again and again till it FIT to a point where- Connecting to the Angels is EASY without Psychic Intuitive, Attunement power hunger, NO RITUALS, and lofty fantasy to a workshop training became a:

- Simplicity, Purity of Psychology (Healthy Understanding of What & Why Connect to Angels is all about), Clarity of Energies and without loosing the deep connection and loving energies from the angels.

Students and teachers of ALT from recent years will KNOW if they ever attended other angel courses, they will know that i have made it a long way to bring such informations into a wholistic piece.

It is my visions and passions to brings Angel Light Therapy to more people and towards a wider perspective to understand the Simplicity Yet Effective Angelic Connection. To-re-understand again what "Angel Therapy" is all about in this New Aeon of Millenia and to brings a lasting conscious and grounded shift and changes for a person in their daily life.

It is time for New Light Consciousness to be made Conscious from the unconscious into greater clarity, effetivity will then a transformation occur in ones life and hope also, to make a better place in the world and mother gaia :-)