Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Golden & Platinum Angels 金光 与白金光天使

As we approach in this fast peak shifting moments, many old has being broken downs...and really every breakdown is about a breaking down of the old structure. Be it personal or planetary such as disaster in japan and the coming ones.

我们正进入一个迅速的转变。不论是个人或世界性的(日本)有很多旧有模式正在蜕变着。在这一个蜕变的时刻,有很多天使得光频正在迅速的协助人们去净化及支持整个过程。去支持正在蜕变了的人事物, 协助因灾难而往生了的惊吓灵体,协助那些正在被捆绑的人们,即协助那些正在重建个人生活的人们。

There are alot of angelic energies are more and more available to support the new light vibrations. To support the transitions of the old, those who passed on, those that still hanigng in with midst of middle line and those require a rebuilding. To support those emotionally, mentally, and physically.

The Angels remind us to stay even mindedness and send our love and blessings to all over the world and of coz Japan. 天使们要求大家专注于一个同理心及爱来祝福大地及日本的朋友们。

There are specific angelic energies which are very prominent in supporting the changes and they are the Golden and PLatinum Angels overlight by Arch Metatron.

在这一个时刻,金光天使们及白金光天使们的光频是最强盛的时刻来协助整个蜕变及重建的能量与意识。它们是由大天使Metatron 给协助。

The Golden ANgels are about bringing peace and harmony and protection back to oneness in every transtion periods in ones life or planetary shift.

The PLatinum Angels are about restoring and replenishing what damage has been down and to also soothe ones trouble mind during the time of disasterious change.
白金光天使们协助修补,回归被破坏了得能量,意识及情绪给安抚, 滋养 正在蜕变的胡乱思维给平静。

Both Gold and Platinum Angels are very helpful in supporting the crisis in life and nations and the world. Call on them in your prayers for japan, elsewhere or your personal life by envisioning their rays of light coming in as a ring of GOlden and Platinum in colors to surround the situation.....

所以,不论是个人生活的蜕变又或国家的蜕变,金光及 白金光天使们在着一个时刻是非常的有帮助的。

透过观想 及有意识的邀请它们的金与白金光环来围绕整个事情或受难的地方, 然后将您的祷告与祝福给输送景区这个光环里来疗愈整个过程。

Then add your own prayers into this rings of platinum n gold rays to expand the healing consciousness to the world.

As always, the angels remind us to keep our focus clear and strong and flush it with more loving thoughts to uplift the situation around the planet. Lets focus on bringing more light and love, particularly the gold and platinum rays angels to support the entire transitioning with ease and harmony. Together as a team, i am sure we can make a different.

让我们已 心及新的能量与意识来祝福大家。。。。把我们的爱,透过天使们,特别是着一群有力量的金与白金天使们来一起把我们的疗愈祝福就像一股涟漪般给送出去。我个人相信,透过团结的力量, 我们可以改变!

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