Monday, April 4, 2011

Past Life Gifts = Dangerous or Safe?

Past Life Gifts = Dangerous or Safe?

I went for some shopping the other day and hence enter my friend shop and have a chat with them. And it somehow, our topic turns to the topic of – Past Life Gifts.

Friend of mine were particularly concern with many people as of recent came to her and share to her that – I started do healing and channeling works as my life purpose.

And so my reaction was – so what’s the problem? The problem is – these people do not have a master to follow through and these people are like jumping around learning 1 modality towards another modality. Then when friend ask them who are their primary masters/mentor, their reply was – oh I got it from my past live. And so, after that…these people started to print name card and list as CHANNELER or Past Live Reader or Karmic Clearer.

So easy wan meh? Was my friend reply….Like 1 or 2 days can turn to a chaneller and read past lives. What is their motive and intention for the first place? This kind of thing is very dangerous if no master/mentor guard their motive and progress. To me, it’s a bit irresponsible of what they doing because it may potentially do harm than good to innocence people.

As much as I don’t see this as very “SERIOUS” problem in itself as to compare that my friend does…but I do understand their conservative concern of – how CLEAR is the Consciousness of the reader and how CAPABLE they are in transcending their illusions thought patterns, and what are the underlying motives of doing such works?

As I mention many times, we cant STOP the mass awakening of bit and pieces of puzzles and opening to intuitive development are just 1 part of the evolution progress. The problem/issues doesn’t Lies in the awakening, rather… lies very much on- do the modality founder/teacher/person itself STRESSES the importance of refining ones consciousness by healing ones past trauma, aware the present issues and find ways to work this through. Otherwise, as simple as it is….everything will turn upside down and contamination is the ultimate results by it.

This friend of mine pointed out 1 factor that I came to realize is quite important and that is – What is their motives of doing so? If their motives are selfish base, then something is destined to go wrong here.

MOTIVES are very much a BIG thing here in regard tracing past life gifts or channeling. Some do it for the pure sake of personal development, some do it for sake of wanting to know their hidden POWER so that they can be praise and impress by others, worst still-some will use it to project their own Fears, traumas and issues to their clients they meet as a way of SELF EXPRESSION! (personally, I meet tons of people like this) and much more…..and WHY this is an Important factor to look into?

Because human has the potential of - Greed. Why/whats Greedy? Greed of power, greed of pride, greed of money they earn after they know their gifts etc and after ones is comfortable with their greed n power, soon the interesting part will follow that leads to the self proclaim issues will then start to surface, you’ll see people start to claim who are they from their past lives, where do they descend from the inner plane etc

When the so call DANGER are really reflecting the above mentioned. The Motives that shapes ones destiny are still holding true in this new millennia. This, no one can runaway from it but to remind ourselves to stay humble as always.

Another thing in regard about Past Life Gifts is, WHATEVER you see/perceives is REALLY PASSED! OUTDATED! So when you attend a class or session that helps you to remember your past life gifts and talents, kindly be reminded that all the skills~identidy~energetic impact/impressions~situation~gifts & talents etc are REALLY at that point of time and hence, has NOTHING to do with your present moment/life UNLESS………you able to upgrade it that match/fit into the modern application.

Sad to say that but the truth is…even you or a channeler or an entity successfully ACCESED OUT your modality/gifts/talents in the past, it doesn’t mean you able to FUNCTION them in the now and what more to say TEACH to other people.

I guess, perhaps its not very much about accessing the past life gifts is dangerous or safe. The fundamental lies in ones ability to DISCERN their motives and guard their intention on the highest good of all that is right with self and the nature of life. True gifts from the past once being accessed and upgraded into the current time will serve tremendously well for the humanity. It is potentially easy to access your past gifts/status/memories, but the difficult part is the clarification, adjustment and integration will then it able to apply into the now properly without contamination.

Do I agree with my friend? In a way YES on her initial intention but definitely NO to her fear based drama.

Do I agree on accessing past life gifts? Yes I do, but like I say…it doesn’t meant it will do well to you…it could well be just a piece of information with Nothing applies in the moment…e.g you cant take a wood cutter from your past life as a gifts n bring it into the now by using the ancient knife to cut do you? You cant find it anyway other than museum….u will however, may invent a similar but more upgraded version knife as your gift in the Now to cut the wood in the forest. But u find a problem still, now its time of saving the trees as to prevent global warming…so you have to think twice your past life gifts really this pieces! Lol

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