Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mastery in 2010 !

Mastery in 2010 !

Holly Holly Holly, Lord is the Glory of Holly!

What a fantastic, joyful, challenges, delicious, and hilarious years of 2010! As I am having a year end “hermit” mood to contemplate and reflect my journey in 2010, what I found out the greatest thing I have in year 2010 was a 100% 0 BLAME of my LIFE! (Congratulations Victor, Victoria & Victoriel!)

Instead, an everlasting abundance filled of Gratitude Flourishing all over my being and life itself! How can this be so? Well, it just IS no matter what the life situations occur!

On Challenges & Mistakes: Who doesn’t have it? Everyone has it in some form or another! But that doesn’t mean you are VICTIM of it nor you can give any “positive” or “spiritual” EXCUSE covering your challenges/mistakes (you may if this is your “stories for truth”!). What I do is that I simply Embrace the Lessons occurred without adding in any single “BLAME” spices in it, No one create the challenges/mistakes for ME/YOU other than ME/you Myself/yourself.

On moving space: Angel House has since evolved from small to big, from deem lightnings to shinny sunny bright! It marks a conscious expansion for me in many ways!

On My Tour around: touring around different part of Malaysia’s in 2010 was one of my greatest pleasure, whether I teach or I giving talk or facilitate sessions or simply chat with new faces, it doesn’t really bother me….what strikes me was the incredible speeding awakening in the mass consciousness! Everyone searching, everyone longing to embody self mastery and purpose in life! It is a matter on how clear am I able to be very clear to shared the knowledge and tools that I know to support such awakening amongst people’s, the sacred land and our earth mother!

On Relationships: with people that I know and don’t know, with people that I hurt or being hurt, whatever it is… is PASSED for me. I knew who am I going to mix with and who doesn’t, who stands for REAL integrity and who stands for SHOUTING Integrity but hypocrites behinds. As far as I can envision, my life journey are extremely clear with positive loving crowds and I acknowledge you will too have lovely companions!

On Life Purpose: it has became extraordinary CLEAR on what my life direction, purpose, talents, gifts as well as mission both in the spiritual, psychical and psychological sense. I no longer search, no longer compete, no longer compare, all there is but silent gratitude to all of the powerful grace bestowed on me. As I walked on the path of self mastery, divine gifts is slowly anchored in the form of – Angelic Light Transmission & Angel Light Therapy, stay tune!

On Christmas Present: I guess the greatest and biggest X’mas presents was me hosting as well as learning Reference Point Therapy @ Angel House!

To me, RPT is an extraordinary SIMPLEST tool to DAMAGE YOUR EGO and go to its roots to defrost the frozen fears of traumas. It is not an I PAY the money, therapist/ teacher/invisible friends FIX it for me! It is in my opinion, YOU Ask for it, you Goota DEAL with it ALL BY YOURSELF! Any prince’s and princess attitude’s is not going to work here….only a willing heart on the head, heart gut will benefit much from this!

My year 2011: has already lining up with international overseas teaching and learning, grand visions require practical actions. And I vouch to accomplish this with ease and grace!

My Wish for you – who have the patience to read till such….I acknowledge your beingness, knowing very clearly that you will definitely living the life that you want (be it positive or negative is really up to you) as so long you want it. Put aside any BLAMES if you have somes or gunks of it, Be present and acknowledge your life.

Last, wishing all of you a cherish, delicious and joyous all round growth in all direction of time and space. Live love in each and every moment, Namaste!

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