Tuesday, November 2, 2010

ALT lvl 2 after course expression!

What a ride of teaching and sharing about Angels and Angelic Light Transmission from JB till Singapore and recent Muar! It has been very fulfilling in every area of my life! And more city and country class are being the plan thus far!

Moving from different city to city in Malaysia, I just notice ONE thing in people life that they are searching for – Reconnection back to their Beingness of Love, Light, Joy and Fulfillment of life purpose! And I just so happy that the divine guided me and offer me such job to share with the ppl!

ALT lvl 2 in Muar is my latest and largest class at the moment. The moment I make changes in my ALT lvl 2 class or any other class, it instantly goes down to 0 people or very less people. I only taught ALT lvl 2 latest module start from 2 ppl only, then another class for 4 participants and the very recent 9 of them! Perhaps it’s about me able to ground the newest version and get the new energies more grounded into being.

It is also a very heart opening moment to see how students and clients being guided to visit or attending my class. Or perhaps, it’s me the one attracting them! The most significant thing is that they benefit much from the angels and healing growth!

The more that I work on myself to get into my being ness and integrates my life, the clearer I able to uphold on what I want and what I don’t want.

Thus far, I began to notice, understood and realize the motto of – what you think is what you become! Everything is a reflection of your being! You are what you attract! I Am that I Am!

All of the above words used to be extremely extraordinary irritating words for me BECAUSE it’s just a rubbish theory I thought! If it is just about what I think and who I am that results my life scenario, then why I imagine to be multi million air and it doesn’t come true? If it is so true….why this and why that?

Constantly battling with above inner voice tone, till one day and that one fine day of getting to know my guardian angels – menadel, the angels of inner and outer work. Consistency in working with this beautiful being of attributes has REALLY breaking free many internal mind locks and blind spots…till I now, when I reflect back in the now – hey! This is really like attracts like! All of sudden, my issues of those above quote suddenly just make perfect sense! The deep sense that resonant deep into my bones and blood and being! And all of the people, places, situation and objects that are bound to release has shift itself!

And all of this won’t happen without the presence of the divine presence known as Angels and Archangels! I am extraordinary happy in the work that I do and remain grateful and joyful to being able to be just one of the tiny lightworker that specialize in helping my fellow brother and sister on earth to reconnect back to their authentic self via the angelic kingdom!

When I change, shift and grow, so do ALT as the angels constantly upgrading the content in ALT and the purpose and focus of it. It has become a body of angelic work by itself which always suprise me on its healing and transformative ability!
I am looking forward to work and share about angel therapy to help one person to another person and from that person to another person. Envision a beautiful opening heart in each and every person that live in a state of fulfillment, open kind heart and service to humanity.

Next….lets Journey into the path of light & love!

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