Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Crystallization – My Crystalline Journey

Crystallization – My Crystalline Journey

Crystal, a beauty, an energy enhancer, a light tools, a healer and teacher of the great manifested light created by the magnificence almighty to remind human being to remember oneself as a HUE-MAN BE-IN-G“ROUND”.

Crystals, I started my spiritual journey with Crystal Awakening when I was 12 and has since accompanied me in every area of my life for the past 15+ years thus far. But hardly, I wrote about them and as of lately, I hardly provide any session with crystals (don’t ask me why). Yet, they still in my presence every now and then.

After my last class on teaching Angelic Light Transmission lvl 1 @ Angel House….somehow the universe makes me rest fully. And in this rest, somehow….I give myself almost daily self crystal healing. I balance my chakra with stones, I meditate with them, I crystal surgery my subtle bodies, I energize crystal essence to drinks, I sleep with them and I carry them and engage with them!

I still remember, the very next day after ALT class…..I lay on my body multi chakra’s crystals to clear and balance my chakras, clear my aura and solidify my frequencies……I experience somewhat of a deep deep deep clearing, nourishing and crystallization from the mineral kingdom. As though as every part of my being are fully cleared, charged and attune and aligned! I was well grounded, presence, high in resonance of crystalline light in me…….ahhhhhhh what a joy and bliss to BEING in me after awhile!

At the same time, the book “Crystalline Illumination” – Katrina Raphaell latest book on crystals after all of the 13 over odd years of information gathered…at last, being released!

It was a very info packed, powerful practices and grounded body of work with the crystals. Katrina’s, the undisputed crystal queen since the 80’s and still is in the 20’s century and will continue to be due to her sincerity, dedication and well grounded formed of work with the mineral kingdom. This book teaches and reminded me many many stuff regarding myself…my being and my presence of light on earth.

Though, some friends who expect her to write as the same as her previous Crystal Trilogy is bit disappointed …and I do not think so. Because, everything is so new now….u cant expect an information from the 80’s fit into the millennia + she has evolved so much so than that of the 80’s. We can’t expect the old in the NEW is what I realize on this!

Lavender Calcite – a museum piece and Katrina’s private collection, somehow she sold it to me after many years in her collection. I immediately place it on my altar of my room and it shines perfectly ever since, I sit with it and meditate with it daily….interact with the energies of Calcite in the Lavender Rays….and my goodness, calcite MUTABILITY really Mute my old OUT till I have to simply honor the past n let it go…..with this, I thanks for the Lavender Calcite Transmission!

I somehow have affinity with the CALCITE being received from the late Jane Ann Dow and Katrina Raphaell. Few years back before Jane passed, she gifts me a clear rhomboid calcite with a beautiful rainbow in it has assisted me to refine and refine and refine my work with the angelic kingdom (I still wonder how calcite got related to work with the angels!) and in 2010, I received another CALCITE but in lavender rays from the pioneer once again!

I wonder, what do Calcite is teaching me here? From Rainbow Clear till Lavender Rays….one thing came to my mind is perhaps these 2 ladies teaches me about – Trusting the inner light within and brave enough to let go the old concept, beliefs and limitation from wherever it has build in me….let it go…….be presence and established your connection with the inner shining diamond light. Access the inner source of your truth and from here, you grow and established more firmly and fully as a hue-man being. Ah I said - this is so true and true and true!

Crystals, simply a tool of perfect geometric, light and beauty are here to simply remind our true light on earth , in this life and in this waves of journey towards our completion within our completeness. I envision there will be a pool of potentials where harmony, positivity and respect among one and another on every kingdom and divine presence being done on earth. And I, after an almost a month of self crystallization (or realization?) working extremely closely with the stones once again…….I get in touch once again into my centeredness. The peeling layers from the calcite are definitely a very deep one and I embrace the changes.

Now, my crystalline journey began once again….having the crystalline solidified light being the foundation, the extraordinary supportive flower essences and the divine inspiration from the all mighty angelic kingdom….I see the synthesis rays of light even more and more and more clarity and divine blessing. I thank you-you-you-you to all kingdom’s I work with…..Blessed Be!

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